
231 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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I'm not an m-f'er :/

But this track was pretty interesting :)

Could you get a stronger kick next time? One more punchy instead of a fwump fwump? Just what I like to hear in electronic music lol, though the one in this isn't too bad.

A nice accented bass line (preferably side chaining) would be nice too! :)

Very nice feel to it, kind of creepy and dark :) Good job!

Higgins667 responds:

Thanks for the review, I will tweak the fruit kick to what i think you are talking about, and see how it will sound with a bass line :)

The main lead

This was DEFINITELY NOT a zero, so I don't know what the deal with that is.

I don't care much for the main lead though, it gets kind of annoying after a while and is really loud compared to the rest of the song.

There is no bass line :( Why is there no bass line? Add one :D!

So master the volume and fix the whiny-ness of the lead ;)

Good job! ((As for a name, I have no idea XD))

CRomDayLeR responds:

um...there is a bassline, and I can hear it nicely on my subwoofer and on my headset. but probably it could need some more subbass on it.

the main lead is a bit loud, youre right. I will lower the volume, and maybe I will lower the volume overall a bit.

also, I will change the lead a bit more so it doesn´t gets too repetitive or annoying ;3.

thx for the review :D!

These will never get old to me.

Originality! Finally :D

Intro: Didn't care for the constant panning into the left ear, kind of made me want to stop listening at the beginning.

Middle: Good stuff, but that panning has to stop... please?

Music: Over all I LOVE the melody of these pieces, but towards the middle and end there wasn't much left for originality, so I would suggest to take the original melody and remix it, add some flare, some spice, some of your own creativity, instead of playing it as it originally was, that is no fun after a while.

End: Ended a little suddenly, might want to add some more type of fade, a crash maybe, just something ;) And stop the panning... please stop the panning.

Great work! This was an idea I was thinking about a while ago, but figured I couldn't do it, but you seem to be able to do it good, so keep going! :D ((Kill the panning, please))

veanm responds:

dont worry about the panning, that was my first experiment with it, i made loads of remixes of tetris both A and B so you could have a listen,

thanks for review, and ill stop panning lol

The intro was death to this song.

I did listen to the whole thing.
But it wasn't terrible. I have to say though 1:14 was my favorite part (When they repeat the same words over and over again it kind of gets irritating and hard to want to keep going.) The echo of the first part of the main part (once it finally came in) Also was a little annoying.


House is a genre I have a hard time with, because I know so little about it. But I do know that this is a little slow, the main saw bass is a little loud and drowns out a lot of other sounds, so leveling out would be good.

A good idea would be to make a instrumental to follow the lyrics, instead of a kind of down slow paced part with not much action going on, ye know?

A little faster would be nice, and make the kick a little more pronounced, right now it's like a dead little fwum fwum, which is kind of hard to make out sometimes with the rest of the stuff going on (like that super loud bass saw)

There is no part in this where the whole part of the lyrics plays, it's just little snippits, which isn't like terrible or anything, just kind of disappointing. And going back to my suggestion about an instrumental part of the melody, with a really electronic sounding piano that would be awesome, along side the lyrics, that would do great.

Great start anyway, good job :)

Mans0n responds:

maybe re listen to the song with headphones that have good bass or speakers with good bass. Because the kick is very heavy and deep. And this is an afrojack theme'd remix. Because of the way it builds and transitions. If you were an afrojack fan you would understand im sure.
ohh and the repeating of vocals around 1:14 indicates a build up o.0 very popular method of doing business

And vocals not playing throughout the whole song is no purpose because they dont mesh at all. That's why it builds and breaks like it does. I've already put a lot of thought into this. and no E piano that's very generic haha

Freaking love these songs.

No matter how many times I hear this I always love it!

Not much for originality in this, but it never said it was a remix ;) So great job! ((What program being used?))

frozenburger responds:

Fl Studio 9 :-D

I like how you didn't 5 it yourself lol

If your the one in the music class you should be giving me criticism, but I will try and help you as much as I can :) lol.

at :51 and :58 in the piano I heard a few notes that just didn't fit very well... Like it fell out of key.

1:50 was probably my favorite part :) It just flowed very nice right there.

over all I liked what I heard, but it was missing some drive, like some beat to it. Even a shaker or some type of background to keep the beat and what not, though for this genre that might kill it, so you may disregard this lol.

There was a lack of lower end bass, which could be done with a cello or some type of string instrument to compliment the higher end violin, that usually sounds great, and if it's volume is compressed a lot it will sound ambient and fill in the spectrum very nicely :) I think XD

Really enjoyed it!

HotSax responds:

Yeah, I know. I was dying to add some more instruments to it, but we were only allowed to use two as a restriction.

At :51 it was probably because I used a ii-diminished chord to add some variety to the chord progression. At :58 I switch from a minor* 5th to a diminished 7 chord (I sharped the 7th inbetween the chords) to add some suspense to it, in an attempt keep people drawn into the music.

Thanks a lot for the review :), I'll keep all that in mind and possibly make a few touch-ups before it's played live.

Nice avatar btw.

The organ didn't quite fit...

The beginning organ was a little high pitch, I would suggest dropping it down into the mid spectrum instead of high like that, then have it brought up again after the glass break.

Loved the piano mixed with the sequencing Sytrus. Sounded pretty awesome :) But that organ should probably become a different instrument at the 1:00 mark.

This might just be my extreme dislike of that sound though lol, so don't take it too much to heart.

Another thing is the glass break sounds really awesome and fits great in the genre, however it is really loud, maybe turn it down a little? Just saying :)

Very chill tune, great job :)

JkidProductions responds:

Thanks and yeah the organ didn't really fit, i know that and the glass break was pretty loud lol sorry about that i make my music with headphones lol

I think you should do it longer :)

At first the one synth that is really echo-ish got kind of annoying, but it faded into something better in time, just a warning about the echo ;)

1:00 was beautiful!

I like the beat, but I cant really make out the bass-line and kick all the time, which me being a nut for that kind of thing am of course going to ask for a stronger beat ;)

The melody was genius, very good musical composition and keeping everything in the right key and everything. (Lots of that seems to go fail these days with noobz)

((Looped it for like 10 minutes by the way lol, loving it))

This is definitely a great start!!

586rick responds:

haha lolll ok I didn>t know it was so good but I'll keep it in mind to do it longer and stronger. thanks for the review.

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