Lol really?
your loathing comments don't make up for the fact that your attempts at music is still nothing more than a bunch of uncreative rendering of sample libraries and presets from a rompler.
Also, your comments on other people's works are just pathetic and rude, without any form of useful criticism whatsoever. You contribute nothing to the newgrounds audio portal, save for the constant complaining and bashing of other artists who just happen to be bellow the standard of professional artists.
If someone was a professional artist, they wouldn't be wasting their time here loading tracks that can not even be rendered at a high quality rate, this is for people to load experiments and ideas and stuff they are working on in hopes of gaining useful experience and insight from other artists who possibly use the same program.
What you do it s mockery to the portal and to musicians worldwide. Nobody cares how awesome you think you are, or how much you think you know about music production, because I have never read a useful comment from you, nor one that was even worth reading.
Now instead of being a such a complaining little girl, you should grow up and realize that the audio portal doesn't give a rat's bald end what you have to contribute, however little that could be on a good day. Figure out how to give actual feedback that could possibly be useful, if even just commenting on a volume knob, instead of just running around the portal with your 'I am so much better than everyone because I can torrent sounds and put them in a two minute mp3' attitude that just makes you look like every other 10 year old boy who thinks he is a serious musician because he posted a file on newgrounds for 'the whole world to listen'.
And so, Mr. green apple. Take this very serious criticism, from one aspiring musician to what I believe you wish to be is a musician as well. You will get NOWHERE with the attitude you have, and your career will stay stagnant and rotting in the audio portal unless you grow up and realize the world doesn't really care about what you are doing, and when you act like a jerk, it will just shut you out like a diseased animal.
Good luck, and read this, it might actually do you some good.
As for the song, it sounds just like everything else you ever made, same samples, same instruments, probably even the same song I am too lazy to go check. Not very creative, and somewhere in there is a very off note. Just sayin, might want to check that out.